Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Ellie's version of the arrival of Tamsin, Natt and Nathan

Iit was all so well planned. Our new trustworthy driver, Julma  had yesterday brought for me  to see his brand new minibus for same-same price to take me and Ali to the airport to  fetch them all-  including luggage, guitars, drums, amp etc. Julma arrives with his four-seater car with the pulldown seat at the back . "No bus this week. Bus reserve." We get to airport to find that only drivers can meet passengers in the building. Everyone else has to wait in 34degrees under a tin roof. So I send in Julma with a red Funforlife balloon while Ali sets up her tripod and we wait.After about half an hour we see the balloon bobbing in the distance as Tamsin, Natt and nathan  come into view. But no Julma. Instead, four or five 'helpers' all takingpices of  their luggage and promising very cheap taxi. Still no Julma as Darlene wades in. "Why you no like me driver anymore?" Nightmare. Finally get Julma on the phone. He says he is buying a bottle of water
But why did he give the all-important balloon to someone else?
Anyway - great to see them all.
the next stage begins...

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